Welcome Community Groups Events Calendar Mutual Aid Protect Yourself Medical Providers Wastewater Contact Return To Top


This site is intended to be a one-stop shop for COVID-related resources for the residents of Humboldt County, California.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send us feedback!

Community Groups

Help us grow the local COVID-cautious community!

See someone else masking? Say “hi” and invite them to join our local community!

We made some fancy business cards you can give fellow maskers to thank them for masking and share this website with them. You can print some out yourself or ask us to send you some professionally printed ones for free.

Masked Events Calendar

The local COVID-catious community organizes regular outdoor masked events about twice a month. This is a great way to make friends with other COVID-cautious people!

You can find a list of the upcoming events in the calendar below. We also cross-post these events to the Facebook group and Mask Bloc Signal chat.

Most events require an RSVP (check the calendar event for details).

RSVP here

Interested in hosting a masked event? Reach out!

Want to see the events in your own calendar app?

If you use Google Calendar, just click the “Add to Google Calendar” link above. If you use a different calendar app, you can add this iCal link to your calendar app.

Mutual Aid

Need emergency support?

If you or someone you live with has COVID and you need advice on isolating, help accessing treatments, or other emergency support:

Call or text the number below. We’ll try to respond within 24 hours.

Protect Yourself

Fit testing

A mask will only do it’s job filtering the air you breath when the air is going through the mask rather than around it at the edges. Pay particular attention to areas such as near your nose, chin, and cheeks. The next step up in verifying your mask’s performance and that it seals against your face and doesn’t leak is to do a fit test.

We offer free mask fit testing for COVID-cautious community members. Contact us to schedule a fit test.

DIY portable air purifiers

Feel free to reach out if you want help building your own.

COVID-safe Providers

Local providers who either require masking or will mask upon request:

Primary Care Doctors:
  • Ikigai Physician Group (Arcata, CA and Fortuna, CA)

    Primary care. Requires annual fee, but sliding scale available.

    As of 1/2025: Air purifier in waiting room (Arcata, CA). Providers and staff mask and will upgrade to N95s upon request (if not already in N95s).

  • Zuzana R. Gellner, OD (Eureka, CA)

    As of 12/2023: Air purifiers in exam room and common area. Optomotrist wore KF94. Staff wore surgical masks.

Help us grow this list!

If you know of any other local COVID-safe providers, please let us know so that we can add them to this list!


Wastewater levels are currently one of the best (ahem, one of the only remaining) ways to gauge COVID levels, both locally and nationally.

Local wastewater levels

  • Cal-SuWers wastewater dashboard

    1. Click Respiratory Virus Data.
    2. Show data by Sewershet.
    3. Select region Northern CA (RANCHO)
    4. Choose a Wastewater Sewershed by County (Utility Name) Humboldt (Eureka) or use the map.
  • Local wastewater levels are now available in your email inbox!

    To receive an email update whenever the Cal-SuWers dashboard is updated with new Eureka, CA wastewater levels, join the local wastewater mailing list by visiting the Google Groups page or by sending an email to:

    [email protected]

National wastewater levels and forecasts